Ilco S23 O1007LB Box of 50 Key Blanks for Sargent | USA & Canada

Ilco S23 O1007LB Box of 50 Key Blanks for Sargent | USA & Canada
Scroll down and read ALL Technical Notes BEFORE placing order.
- This price is for orders placed online only. Pricing for telephone or walk in orders at our retail store are significantly higher. Please place your order online to save money.
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PRICE GROUP C Est.1965. Fast shipping: USA, Canada & Worldwide.
Ilco O1007LB S-23 Box of 50 Key Blanks for Sargent Locks.
We are a wholesale and retail supplier and distributor of automotive, residential, commercial, industrial, padlock, Trailer & RV, heavy equipment, switch, elevator, high security key blanks.
Replacement Key blanks for Ilco, DL, Dominion Lock, Cole, Curtis, ESP, Hillman, Jet, JMA, Orion, Silca, Star, Taylor are available from Acme Lock & Key Toronto
Technical Info:
This key blank is for Sargent Door Lock keys stamped with LB.
The Sargent lock is very precise and some cuts are very deep and some key machines are not capable of duplicating these keys with the deep cuts.
Technical Info by:
John Rowland, CML.
Certified Master Locksmith
Associated Locksmiths of America
ALOA Security Professionals Association Inc.