Acme CML Expert Consulting/Technical Support/Training/Meeting Per Hour

Acme CML Expert Consulting/Technical Support/Training/Meeting Per Hour
Scroll down and read ALL Technical Notes BEFORE placing order.
- This price is for orders placed online only. Pricing for telephone or walk in orders at our retail store are significantly higher. Please place your order online to save money.
- Free Canada and USA shipping on orders over $100
Paid Time, Free Time & Trade Shows:
Paid Time:
For John Rowland, CML.
ALOA Certified Master Locksmith
Acme Lock & Key Toronto
Consumers Choice Award Winner
Best Locksmith Company in Toronto 2022, 2023, 2024 & 2025.
$240 per hour with a 1 hour minimum.
On Site:
$240 per hour in the Greater Toronto Area with a 5 hour minimum including 2 hours for round trip travel.
Out of town:
$240 per hour with a 8 hour minimum plus all Travel, Airfare, Car Rental, Accommodation, etc., expenses. Please email for a quote BEFORE purchasing.
Free Time, Updated Monthly, Subject to Change:
John Rowland, CML. Is available at the below locations on the dates and times listed. Unless otherwise indicated no appointment is required.
Monday February 24th
1 to 4pm
Balmy Beach Club
Email Acme first so you can be added to the guest list.
Location - Balmy Beach Club
Monday March 31st
1 to 4pm at ISC West
Nine Fine Irishmen, New York New York Casino
Nine Fine Irishmen - Irish Pub Las Vegas
Saturday April 12th
10am to 4pm
SAVTA Trade Show
Lexington, Kentucky
Monday April 28th
1 to 4pm
Celebration Town Tavern
Celebration Florida
Contact Us - Celebration Town Tavern
Monday May 26th
1 to 4pm
Balmy Beach Club
Email Acme first so you can be added to the guest list.
Location - Balmy Beach Club
Monday June 30th
1 to 4pm
Balmy Beach Club
Email Acme first so you can be added to the guest list.
Location - Balmy Beach Club
Monday July 28th
1 to 4pm
Balmy Beach Club
Email Acme first so you can be added to the guest list.
Location - Balmy Beach Club
Monday August 25th
1 to 4pm
Balmy Beach Club
Email Acme first so you can be added to the guest list.
Location - Balmy Beach Club