Best 1M01 to 1M100 Med Cart Replacement Key | USA & Canada

Best 1M01 to 1M100 Med Cart Replacement Key | USA & Canada

  • Scroll down and read ALL Technical Notes BEFORE placing order.

Regular price $21.77
  • This price is for orders placed online only. Pricing for telephone or walk in orders at our retail store are significantly higher. Please place your order online to save money.
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Healthcare Medication Drug Carts 1M01 to 1M100 series easy replacement keys for Bell, Craftsman, Huskey, Kobalt, Waterloo, Westward & other manufacturers.

Technical Notes:

The Best lock and key system used on these carts are very precise and we make each of these by code, we do not copy them.

Each key we provide is an original cut on a Factory original Best Key Combinator.

Technical Info by:

John Rowland, CML.
Certified Master Locksmith
Associated Locksmiths of America
ALOA Security Professionals Association Inc.

For lost or missing keys we make easy replacement key copies by the code number stamped on the original key or on the face of the lock.

We stamp our replacement keys with that code number for easy identification.

We make keys for all major manufacturers. 

Keys in this series:

1M1 1M2 1M3 1M4 1M5 1M6 1M7 1M8 1M9 1M01 1M02 1M03 1M04 1M05 1M06 1M07 1M08 1M09 1M10 1M11 1M12 1M13 1M14 1M15 1M16 1M17 1M18 1M19 1M20 1M21 1M22 1M23 1M24 1M25 1M26 1M27 1M28 1M29 1M30 1M31 1M32 1M33 1M34 1M35 1M36 1M37 1M38 1M39 1M40 1M41 1M42 1M43 1M44 1M45 1M46 1M47 1M48 1M49 1M50 1M51 1M52 1M53 1M54 1M55 1M56 1M57 1M58 1M59 1M60 1M61 1M62 1M63 1M64 1M65 1M66 1M67 1M68 1M69 1M70 1M71 1M72 1M73 1M74 1M75 1M76 1M77 1M78 1M79 1M80 1M81 1M82 1M83 1M84 1M85 1M86 1M87 1M88 1M89 1M90 1M91 1M92 1M93 1M94 1M95 1M96 1M97 1M98 1M99 1M100

IM1 IM2 IM3 IM4 IM5 IM6 IM7 IM8 IM9 IM01 IM02 IM03 IM04 IM05 IM06 IM07 IM08 IM09 IM10 IM11 IM12 IM13 IM14 IM15 IM16 IM17 IM18 IM19 IM20 IM21 IM22 IM23 IM24 IM25 IM26 IM27 IM28 IM29 IM30 IM31 IM32 IM33 IM34 IM35 IM36 IM37 IM38 IM39 IM40 IM41 IM42 IM43 IM44 IM45 IM46 IM47 IM48 IM49 IM50 IM51 IM52 IM53 IM54 IM55 IM56 IM57 IM58 IM59 IM60 IM61 IM62 IM63 IM64 IM65 IM66 IM67 IM68 IM69 IM70 IM71 IM72 IM73 IM74 IM75 IM76 IM77 IM78 IM79 IM80 IM81 IM82 IM83 IM84 IM85 IM86 IM87 IM88 IM89 IM90 IM91 IM92 IM93 IM94 IM95 IM96 IM97 IM98 IM99 IM100


-10 small office furniture keys or 5 full size keys can ship by Canada Post regular non tracked mail for $4.95
-Other orders ship by Canada Post shipping of your choice at checkout at actual Canada Post cost

Other orders ship by Canada Post shipping of your choice at checkout at actual Canada Post cost